

Friday, April 5, 2013


I'm going to be uploading some ideas that I have for stories on here called NEW IDEAS it won't be a daily or weekly thing just when I get an idea. Anyway the idea for now is

  1. Normal girl with an everyday life.
  2. Maybe have her hair turn blue and her eyes and her skin a light shade of it (Just like water hint hint)
  3. and then her mother comes in and says something like “Oh no! I thought I would have more time!” 
  4. Then she falls in love with a guy who is an orangish red color and he is fire but they can’t POSSIBLY be together because of their differences :(

I got this idea after reading a couple like it. The basic forbidden love and everyday life goes haywire kind of story.

1 comment:

  1. It is truly astounding, yet then, at that point gander at the bearing at this treat.
