

Saturday, September 1, 2012

1st piece

This has no story connected to it. You can leave a comment saying what you think it should be about. I would love to see all the different ideas!

 I scanned the ocean front with its boulders and the crisp white sand. At first I didn't see her, but when I did it felt like I was made of stone. She stood alone on a huge boulder looking down at the waters below; I could tell she wanted to jump. As soon as she glanced my way I could move again and started to scramble up the rocks. My fingernails left scratches on the boulders. In the back of my mind I felt that I was bleeding. I didn't know where or how, but at that moment I didn't care. I kept making my way towards the girl screaming at her to stop, but I was too late. She made her choice and was already in midair. I made my last attempt and leapt at her but it was no use. I heard a splash and when I looked down she was nowhere to be seen. I felt a tear slide down my face. Normally I wouldn't cry, wouldn't take drastic measures for someone I didn't know, but I did know her. Because that girl, was me.


  1. This is a really impresive Vignette.
    I dont know if you know what a Vignette is, but this is an excellent example of one.
    It really is self contained and requires no further content, in fact the piece cound be improved with some editing.
