

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Things To Remember

Hey I was talking to acouple people who read my blog and found out that some of you guys aren't reading the posts in order! Ok so what you need to remember is that my writing for the past, oh I don't know, all of my writing posts except the first two, are the same book! To understand what is happening you need to read from the beginning! So if you want to read some paragraphs without stiries attached read the 1st or 2nd Piece. To start at the beginning of my book start at the 3rd Piece and read up until the last piece. You will notice that I write on there what kind of writing post it is. The writing posts of my book say like this is the 5th piece of my book I talked about in the "What My Blog Is" post. A second thing to remember is to COMMENT! That's all. :)

Friday, October 26, 2012

16th Piece

This is the 14th post to the book I was talking about in my "What My Blog Is Post"

The room suddenly seems to twist and flow into an ocean of color and transforms into an office. I vaguely remember this place and it must have shown in my eyes because she says, “So you do remember.” I look at her questioningly and she explains. “This was your father’s office, your real father.” “What do you mean ‘real father’? I know my real father remember? He died with the rest of my family in the ‘accident’,” I say calmly. In the back of my head though, I can feel the sadness that has been locked up for so much time starting to become free. I've avoided talking about my family for as long as I could but I have a feeling I won’t be able to talk myself out of this. I’m also curious. What does she mean ‘real father’? Is she saying that the father I lived with almost my entire life isn't my, and again I quote, ‘real father’? “Yes,” she says quietly. I jump a little bit even though she had only whispered. “Before you ask I can read your mind as you would say,” “I- I don’t understand.” “You don’t need to, at least not now, what I want to tell you about is your family, mainly your dad.” “What about him? Why is he so important and why are you choosing to tell me now? Why not earlier? Like before the accident perhaps?” I couldn't help but ask so many questions. I am so confused. “I’m sorry Audra but there was no better time. I need you to pay attention.” When those last words left her mouth she looks around quickly scanning the room and says hurriedly, “Your father is one of the main people who created the Agency but he has been missing for about a week, the same amount of time we..” she clears her throat before finishing, “ We invited you to stay. I think I’m the only one who knows though because everything is going on as planned but I have a feeling that he’s not just out for no reason but is in danger.” I open my mouth to say something, anything to try to make sense of what is going on but before I can utter a sound she starts again “Look I know it’s hard to believe but we can do things that others can’t. We have both been injected with a, certain liquid, which makes us better than the rest of our kind.” “What do you mean our kind?” I exclaim “I’m sorry but this conversation is over and you should know I don’t believe anything you’re saying you can’t mean to say that we can read minds see into the future all of that fun stuff. I-I can’t even” My voice starts to dwindle and I realize I’m shouting and have stood up but I don’t care. I need to leave find Eric and leave. “But you can’t!” I look over and she stands up also. I stand there with my mouth open because she yelled. “Can’t what?” I ask in such a small voice I’m surprised she heard me. “You can’t leave. Eric is getting better but he still needs rest. I’m astounded that you haven’t known about what you can do at all yet.” she seems to be thinking to herself and mumbles, “It just doesn't make sense. The liquid was supposed to work by now.” I start to get irritated and yell, “Well it didn't okay? I need to leave and you can’t stop me. I’m done.” I need to get some air. I need to find Eric first. And so it begins, who was that?

Sunday, October 7, 2012

15th Piece

This is the 13th post to the book I was talking about in my "What My Blog Is" post.

We stand in front of a very familiar door. The screens room, the lady with the braid, my questions. Everything I want and need to know can be right behind this door. We walk inside and he lets go of my arm. He slowly backs away to the door like there’s a lion or something in the room that shouldn't be startled. As soon as he shuts the door the room becomes pitch black and I hear, “Hello again Audra.” Her voice is as beautiful as it was the first time we met. This time I don’t ask who’s there or where she is. I just wait for her entrance. Instead of the flash of smoke and that whole shebang she floats down from the ceiling. It isn't like one of those movie things where you could see the ropes holding her up, it seems as though she is weightless. Spotlights shine down on her. Her dress is white and glitters in the brightness. Her hair isn't in one long braid this time but down with little braids tucked inside.
 When she gets closer to the ground a white chair raises from the floor. The chair is about as tall as I am and covered in white velvet. She floats down into her chair and smiles at me. A second chair rises. It is covered in gorgeous aquamarine velvet. It isn't as big as the white one but a perfect size for me. I am suddenly lifted up about two feet in the air and flown to the seat, even though it’s only five feet away. I sit gracefully on the chair, which the magical force must have done since it’s pretty much impossible for me to do anything like that on my own. The chairs turn so that we are facing each other. “Hi,” I say less beautifully. “I have something very important to tell you Audra,” She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before she continues, her voice shaking, “I need you to listen very carefully, because I do not want to repeat myself.”  I lean in closer and she begins.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

14th Piece

This is the 12th post to the book I was talking about in my "What My Blog Is" post.

I start to remember and tears spring into my eyes. The crashing, the burning, the crying out for help, and the feeling of helplessness. It’s all too much. I look up at the ceiling and start playing with the new bracelet that I got from the guard. It shocks my wrist when he, or they, need me. I stare at it wondering when it’s going to buzz again. It’s made of metal with a gold strap running down one side where the shocks come from. It seems pretty sound except for this one square shaped part near the gold. It looks like it was put on after the bracelet was made because it doesn't go around smoothly. My first thought was tracking device. Once my paranoia, which can be very helpful in some situations, created that thought I've been trying to get rid of it pretty much all day every day. I’m mindlessly picking at it now, when it starts to buzz. I sit up instantly, heart pounding. That thing scares the life out of me every time. I come out of my room slowly. Opening the door a crack, inch by inch I make my way out. Once I’m in the open the guard grabs my arm and says gruffly with a tip of the head, “Audra.” “Guard,” I say with a mimicking voice and a tip of the head. We walk down the hallway, and as usual I start my round of questions. Some of them being... “Where’s Eric?” “Where are we going?” “What’s your name?” “How long have you been here?” “Were you sentenced here like me?” and others, but with each question he simply looks forward, not showing anything. He’s usually holding onto my arm when he takes me places and sometimes when I ask him a personal question he squeezes my arm a little tighter without realizing. Occasionally I think it must be fun having this job, being able to hang out with me and all, but other times he looks so lonely and sad that it makes me think again of all the things that the Agency has done to me and what they probably have done to him too. He is human after all...right?